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Love songs - vol. 1

Love songs - vol. 1


réf. : ONN2

Série : Love Songs

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Dernier vote : 05/02/2025 à 21h46

Série : Love Songs

Liste des titres

01MARCELS (The)Blue moon.....

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02CHIFFONS (The)He's so fine.....

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03SLEDGE PercyWarm and tender love.....

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04DIXIE CUPSChapel of love.....

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05RODGERS JimmieKisses sweeter than wine.....

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06VEE BobbyRun to him.....

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07PETERSON RayTell Laura I love her.....

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08P.J. PROBYMaria.....

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09FONTANA Wayne - MINDBENDERS (The)Groovy kind of love.....

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10MOMENTS (The) - WHATNAUTS (The)Look at me (I'm in love).....

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11MILLS BROTHERSYou always hurt the one you love.....

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12CLINE PatsyStop look & listen.....

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Dans la même série...

Love songs - vol. 2

Love songs - vol. 2

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