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Love songs - vol. 2

Love songs - vol. 2


réf. : ONN3

Série : Love Songs

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216 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.35 / 5

Dernier vote : 30/01/2025 à 10h55

Série : Love Songs

Liste des titres

01VEE BobbyRubber ball.....

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02SLEDGE PercyWhen a man loves a woman.....

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03CHIFFONS (The)One fine day.....

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04MILLS BROTHERSI can't stop loving you.....

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05PARTON DollyHonky Tonks angels.....

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06CRYSTALS (The)Da doo ron ron.....

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07SHANGRI-LAS (The)The leader of the pack.....

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08DIAMONDS (The)Little darling.....

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09TROY DennisJust one look.....

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10ANDERSON LynnStand by your man.....

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11DEL SHANNONRunaway.....

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12BUTLER Jerry - EVERETT BettyLet it be me.....

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Dans la même série...

Love songs - vol. 1

Love songs - vol. 1

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