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K'S CHOICE - 10 - 1993>2003 - Ten years of K\'s Choice (2003)


10 - 1993>2003 - Ten years of K's Choice

© 2003 - Epic - Sony

Spécificités :🏆

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95 votes reçus pour ce disque...

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Dernier vote : 22/09/2024 à 21h05

Liste des titres

01Losing you.....

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02Not a addict.....

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04Almost happy.....

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05My heart.....

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06The ballad of Lea and Paul.....

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07I smoke a lot.....

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08Little man.....

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09Another year.....

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10Mr. Freeze.....

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13If you're not scared.....

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14Everything for free.....

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16Virgin state of mind.....

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17Until I'm fine.....

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18God in my bed.....

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Discographie Liste détailléeTableauGalerie

Album CD

K'S CHOICE - Paradise in me (1995)


Paradise in me


K'S CHOICE - Cocoon crash (1998)


Cocoon crash


Compilations / participations

Hit Box - Vol. 10 (1996)

Hit Box - Vol. 10


Hit Connection 96/2 (1996)

Hit Connection 96/2


Historock - vol. 2 (2007)

Historock - vol. 2


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