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Remember your 80's - 1982 (1994)

Remember your 80's - 1982

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Dernier vote : 05/02/2025 à 21h08

Série : Remember Your 80s

Liste des titres

01WHAM!Club Tropicana.....

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02JOEL BillyGoodnight Saigon.....

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03THIRD WORLDTry jah love.....

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04DICKSON BarbaraMy heart lies.....

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05TIME BANDITSLive it up.....

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06NENANur getr?umt.....

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07IGLESIAS JulioAmor.....

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08KOKOMOA little bit further away.....

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09SHAKIN' STEVENSOh Julie.....

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10JOURNEYDon't stop believin'.....

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11MEN AT WORKDown under.....

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13YOUNG PaulCome back and stay.....

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14ROSE ROYCEBest love.....

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15NITS (The)Red tape.....

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16ANT AdamGoody two shoes.....

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17GOOMBAY DANCE BANDSeven tears.....

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18QUICK (The)The rhythm of the jungle.....

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19SANTANAHold on.....

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