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BOLLAND & BOLLAND - Good For Gold (1996)


Good For Gold

© 1996 - Disky

réf. : 0 724348 629227

Spécificités :🏆

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198 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.37 / 5

Dernier vote : 10/02/2025 à 09h29

Liste des titres

01Summer of '71.....

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02Wait for the sun.....

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04Ooh la la.....

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05Leaving tomorrow.....

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06Mexico, I can't say goodbye.....

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07Ufo (We're not alone).....

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08Hold on.....

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11Answer for a lifetime.....

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12Funkadelic man.....

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13Fly across the sky.....

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14Come over tonight.....

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15I won't go anywhere.....

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16Train to your heart.....

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Discographie Liste détailléeTableauGalerie

Maxi 12"

PochetteInterprèteTitre de l'albumAnnéeClassementSupportSpécificitésNb titres
BOLLAND & BOLLAND - Imagination (1985)BOLLAND & BOLLANDImagination1985Synth / Dance / Italo-DiscoMaxi 12"🌈2

Compilations / participations

PochetteInterprèteTitre de l'albumAnnéeClassementSupportSpécificitésNb titres
The Originals - 12 - Pop songs (from Holland) (1990) Divers artistesThe Originals - 12 - Pop songs (from Holland)1990CompilationAlbum CD



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