Détail d'un disque

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POGUES (The) - The very best of... (2001)


The very best of...

© 2001 - Wea

réf. : 6 85738 74592 0

Spécificités :🏆

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153 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.45 / 5

Dernier vote : 11/01/2025 à 12h07

Liste des titres

01Dirty old town.....

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02The Irish rover.....

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03Sally MacLennane.....

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05A pair of brown eyes.....

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06Fairytale of New York.....

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07The body of an American.....

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08Streams of whiskey.....

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09The sick bed of Cuchulainn.....

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10If I should fall from grace with god.....

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11Misty morning, Albert bridge.....

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12Rain street.....

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13White city.....

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14A rainy night in Soho.....

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15London girl.....

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16Boys from the county hell.....

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17The sunnyside of the street.....

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18Summer in Siam.....

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19Hell's Ditch.....

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20The old man drag.....

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21The band played Waltzing Matilda.....

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