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WASHINGTON Dinah - Stairway to the stars (2003)


Stairway to the stars

© & ℗ 2003 - Dynamic Entertainment Ltd

réf. : DYN 2095 - code barre : 827139209520

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139 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.4 / 5

Dernier vote : 31/12/2024 à 08h19

Liste des titres

01I know ho to do it.....

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02Salty papa blues.....

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03When a woman loves a man.....

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04Homeward bound.....

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05Evil gal blues.....

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06I can't get started.....

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07A slick chick (On the mellow side).....

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08Wise woman blues.....

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09That's why a woman loves a heel.....

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10Beggin' mama blues.....

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11Joy juice.....

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12No voot, no boot.....

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13Embraceable you.....

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14Mellow mama blues.....

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15My lovin' papa.....

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16Stairway to the stars.....

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17Postman blues.....

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18There's got to be a change.....

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19Blow top blues.....

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20Chewin' mama blues.....

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21Ooo-wee walkie talkie.....

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22Walking blues.....

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