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Dance story 73-74 (1994)

Dance story 73-74

© 1994 - ARS Productions

réf. : 7 86574 02152 7

Série : Dance Story

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Dernier vote : 11/10/2024 à 07h34

Série : Dance Story

Liste des titres

01TRAMMPS (The)Zing went the strings of my heart.....

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02SPINNERS (the)Could it be I'm falling in love.....

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03MELVIN Harold - BLUE NOTES (The)The love I lost.....

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04McCRAE GeorgeRock your baby.....

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05SIMON JoeStep by step.....

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06DETROIT EMERALDSFeel the need in me.....

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07FIRST CHOICEArmed & extremely dangerous.....

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08DOUGLAS CarolDoctor's orders.....

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09GAYNOR GloriaNever can say goodbye.....

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10MOMENTS (The)Dolly my love.....

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11MELVIN Harold - BLUE NOTES (The)Satisfaction Guaranteed (Or Take Your Love Back).....

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12DOUGLAS CarlKung Fu fighting.....

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13B.T. EXPRESSDo it ('til you're satisfed).....

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14McCRAE GeorgeI can't leave you alone.....

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15DeVAUGHN WilliamBe thankful for what U got.....

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16MOMENTS (The) - WHATNAUTS (The)Girls.....

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