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Dance story 75-76 (1994)

Dance story 75-76

© 1994 - ARS Productions

réf. : 7 86574 02162 6

Série : Dance Story

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136 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 3.1 / 5

Dernier vote : 05/10/2024 à 02h10

Série : Dance Story

Liste des titres

01BONEY M.Daddy cool.....

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02KC & THE SUNSHINE BANDThat's the way I like it.....

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03PEOPLE'S CHOICEDo it any way you wanne.....

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04SILVER CONVENTIONFly, Robin, fly.....

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05BO'HORNE JimmyGimme some.....

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06SHIRLEY & COMPANYShame shame shame.....

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07MELVIN Harold - BLUE NOTES (The)Bad luck.....

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08STRETCHWhy did you do it.....

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09TRAMMPS (The)Hold back in the night.....

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10JAMES Jimmy - VAGABONDS (The)I'll go where the music takes me.....

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11RITCHIE FAMILY (The)Best disco in town.....

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12TWO MAN SOUNDCharlie Brown.....

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13DOUBLE EXPOSURETen persent.....

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14TRUE AndreaMore more more.....

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15GREEN JesseNice & slow.....

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16WAKELIN JohnnyIn Zaire.....

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