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HUMPERDINCK Engelbert - The Last Waltz (1988)


The Last Waltz

© 1988 - London Records

réf. : 820 575-2

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175 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.48 / 5

Dernier vote : 07/02/2025 à 16h48

Liste des titres

01The Last Waltz.....

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02Dance With Me.....

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03Two Different Worlds.....

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04If It Comes To That.....

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05Walk Hand In Hand.....

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06A Place In The Sun.....

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07Long Gone.....

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08All This World And The Seven Seas.....

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09Miss Elaine E. S. Jones.....

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10Everybody Knows.....

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11Nature Boy.....

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12To The Ends Of The Earth.....

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13That Promise.....

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14Three Little Words (I Love You).....

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15Those Were The Days.....

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16What Now My Love.....

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Discographie Liste détailléeTableauGalerie

Single 7"

HUMPERDINCK Engelbert - Am I That Easy To Forget (1968)


Am I That Easy To Forget


HUMPERDINCK Engelbert - You're The Window Of My World (1971)


You're The Window Of My World


Compilations / participations

The Originals - 01 - Love ballads (1988)

The Originals - 01 - Love ballads


Love songs (1994)

Love songs


Rock'mantique - Top 100 (2007)

Rock'mantique - Top 100


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