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BLACKINSELL John - The Best Of Cole Porter (1972)


The Best Of Cole Porter

© & ℗ 1972 - Joker

réf. : SM 3304

Pays d'édition : Italie

Spécificités :🏆

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146 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.37 / 5

Dernier vote : 15/01/2025 à 01h33

Liste des titres

A1I Love Paris.....

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A2What Is This Thing Called Love.....

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A3My Heart Belongs To Daddy.....

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A4So In Love.....

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A5True Love.....

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B1Night And Day.....

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B2Begin The Beguine.....

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B3It's Allright With Me.....

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B4C'Est Magnifique.....

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B5From This Momenton.....

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