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BAND OF HOLY JOY - Positively Spooked (1990)


Positively Spooked

© & ℗ 1990 - Rough Trade

réf. : ROUGH 155 - code barre : 5 014644 301558

Pays d'édition : U.K.

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168 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.19 / 5

Dernier vote : 12/01/2025 à 12h07

Liste des titres

A1Real Beauty03:31

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A2Evening World02:52

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A3Because It Was Never03:02

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A4Unlikely Girl02:40

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A5Shadows Fall04:47

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A6Bitten Lips05:52

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B1Here It Comes03:58

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B2Hot Little Hopes04:06

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B3Freda Cunningham03:23

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B4Torch Me02:22

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B5Positively Spooked04:02

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B6Look Who's Changed With The Times03:14

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