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Tycoon (1992)


© 1992 - Epic

Remarque :
Adaptation anglaise de Starmania, l'opéra rock de Michel Berger et Luc Plamondon

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131 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 2.98 / 5

Dernier vote : 15/04/2024 à 15h06

Liste des titres


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02LAUPER CyndiThe world is stone.....

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03GOSS Matt - GOSS LukeA little damage done.....

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04KINGSBERY PeterOnly the very best.....

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05HAGEN NinaYou get what you deserve.....

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06DION CélineZiggy.....

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07DE VILLE WillyNobody chosses.....

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08CARNES KimWorking girl.....

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09DION CélineTonight we dance (Extravagance !).....

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10ROBINSON KevinPollution's child.....

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11JONES TomI would love to change the world (the businessman's blues).....

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12SPECTOR RonnieFarewell to a sex symbol.....

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13KINGSBERY PeterEgo trip.....

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14LAUPER CyndiYou have to learn to live alone.....

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